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                        News – The Little Prince - a little Friend with a Big Heart!        


The Little Prince - a little Friend with a Big Heart!


08.04.2014. The Little Prince - a little Friend with a Big Heart! April 5 in the living room of the Garden met his friends Little Prince. Living in the Garden Art has become a therapeutic living Little Prince. This extraordinary immersion in the game space, creativity and child- parent reciprocity.
Atmosphere interplanetary travel along the Little Prince created a sky- blue and blue. It was decorated with these paints and living pictures of autistic children and their families. These photos are simply shone a miracle. Miracle - works of batik made ​​boarding schools from the village of Emmaus. Miracle - iridescent balls - prototypes of the planets, which have traveled our little Friend. And blue sandpit and star trays with colored stones. They each can create a universe, populate its fairytale characters and live in a new situation of family relationships or in a team, in order to gain a new perspective and come into harmony.
The master class on the opening room, art therapist Lilya Sharafieva with little prince held dear to the other participants. Fairy tale in the game helped develop joint attention of participants, the skills to manage their emotions and behavior, get varied experience tactile interaction with pebbles, sand, seashells. We were able to appeal to children and parental values ​​through the creation of the planet. We came up with her ​​name and stories about the life of its inhabitants. After all, every fairy tale, in the children's game with a sandbox, in the figure, in music - children and adults reflect their inner world, their moods, emotions, needs, values, attitudes to significant people and events. Suffice it to look closely and listen and playing with your child, you can understand it much better than in a normal conversation. And if you are a light to be attached to the child's game, join it yourself, you can learn how to build a harmonious family relation and resolve any difficulties in relationships and behavior.
Also in our living room every magic can be transformed into its heroes - the Little Prince, the pilot and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Rose - a prototype of the writer's wife and Fox as the image of the ideal friend. Transformation into the image of the hero ' - is another way to meet with yourself, changing your self-esteem, seek answers to urgent questions of life, change your pattern of behavior. It's enough to try a new way and ask yourself these questions: "What are the qualities of the hero I can solve my situation? How will the hero in my situation? What advice he can give me and what to teach? ". Changing images remains in the photographs. Looking at the pictures at home, you can change the outlook on life; look at it from an unexpected point of view.
The Little Prince and his good fairy world allow everyone to find their way to the other in a creative atmosphere lounge Garden. The road, whose origin is in the heart of each of us. Come into the living room of the Garden and create together with your loved ones: children, parents, spouses! Good game can heal each and every need it, in whose soul is still alive child.
Friendship - like a diamond.
Rare, expensive, and a lot of fakes ...


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